Lost: The First Envelope
The Lost
Notes in red: show you what was different between the different teams
Notes in blue: Not in the original text, eg, links to things in different envelopes
Ghosts are those whose spirits cannot move on until they have resolved an issue from their lifetime. Some find it is no longer possible to resolve that issue, because people have died, places have changed, and the world is not what it was. These are the Lost, those who can never resolve their pasts, never move on, and never be free of the issues of their lifetime.
Once a year, though, at Halloween, there is the possibility of opening doors that cannot be opened at any other time. Each year, a powerful spirit, known only as Monsieur le Carrefour, visits Edinburgh, and offers to open a portal through time to allow a group of Lost to return to their time of death, giving them one last chance to resolve their livetime. He claims the portal can only be opened once a year, and only to one time, so each year, the Lost struggle to recover their memories, and petition M. le Carrefour to send them home.
You are a group of Lost, originating in the same timeperiod – as such, if you work together, you can get M. le Carrefour to open the time portal so that you can all travel back in time, and resolve the issues you need to move on to your next plane of existence.
Simply, you need to collect points, which represent how well “integrated” you are. M. le Carrefour will send back in time, the team he thinks has the best chance of surviving, so.. you need to score more points than any other team.
You may not use technology that was not invented in your era to help you solve this game. Your characters simply do not understand it. Note, even for those from the 1980’s, this means No Internet, No Google… research will mean asking people, or looking at books!
The items you have been asked to provide for your team represent your ghostly powers –
Car = ability to transport yourself rapidly around the city
Camera = ability to capture memories, and show them to others.
Phone = ability to contact other ghosts at a distance
They may not be used to assist you gain points, except as required by the game. E.g., you may use your phone to call M. le Carrefour if you are told you can, you may not use it to “phone a friend” to help you answer your riddle.
One last rule – nothing that gains you points, nor research to help you gain insight into how to find points, may be collected in any player of the game’s home. This game is about getting out and about.
As you become re-integrated at Halloween, the first memories that return are those of your life. Gathering memories builds your strength. The only memory you can’t recover, is that of your death.
Gather strength by collecting some of these memories, then use some of your strength to locate M. le Carrefour. Carrefour will be available from 4:30pm till 5:15pm at the specified location, so you don’t have forever to find him.
Tip: There are advantages in finding Carrefour before the other teams, but you can’t score points from this list after you have done so – and points are what ultimately matters.
Each item can be scored only once.
A photo of your team outside a building built during your era. 1 point, if you can see an appropriate date inscribed on the building
A team member in appropriate dress for your period – 1 point, 3 points if your whole team is in appropriate dress.
A newspaper containing a photograph of an Edinburgh bus. 1 point
A fossil 1 point
(18th century team only)A business card from a milliner with “Good Luck” written on the back 3 points
(1960’s team only) An origami crane 3 points
(1980’s team only) A penny with a date in the 1980’s 3 points
A photograph of your team re-enacting a scene from a Shakespearean tragedy 1 point (3 points if you’re on a theatre stage!)
A photograph of an exceptional view. 1 point (3 points if it’s the best view collected)
A receipt for a meal, written in a foreign language. 1 point
(18th century team only)A photo of a member of your team sitting in a 18th century chair 2 points
(1960’s team only) A photo of your team holding a copy of a (vinyl) record by the Who. 2 points
(1980’s team only) A photo of your team outside the building that was La Scala cinema in the 1980s. 2 points
A photo of your team on a boat or train 2 points
An empty wine bottle 1 point
A kite string 1 point
An object, small enough to fit into a closed hand, which is something that didn’t exist in your era 1 point
Something re-denominated 2 points
Find M. le Carrefour
There are five clues, in numbered envelopes. Each one gives consecutively more information than the one before it. Each one carries a cost, in points, to open. If you don’t have the points, you may not open the envelope!
Each envelope gives an additional clue to his location. Lose points for each envelope opened – the number of points lost is written on the envelope… but you must open them in sequence.. E.g., number 1 first, number 2 second, etc. You must have already scored the points to open the envelope!
There is one other option – you can contact M. le Carrefour, and ask him where he is. That will cost you ALL your points from this phase – but if you don’t find him in time, you’re out of the running, so.. it’s an option.
Clue Envelopes
Clue 1 (cost 5 points): Medicinal establishment
Note: On meeting M. le Carrefour, you will have to tell him a story of your lives, that includes all the clues you are scoring points for, but that does not mention how you died (you can’t remember that). Only clues you include in your story will count!
Clue 2 (cost 2 points): Round-fronted building 2 1/2 miles due south of Newhaven Harbour
Clue 3 (cost 2 points): Walk across from a walk
Clue 4 (cost 1 point): South from one Monster to another, and a few steps more